A __________ Is The Main Argument Of A Paper And Asserts The Author'S Position On A Topic.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How to Make Hydrogen Gas (4 Methods)
Its easy to generate hydrogen gas at home or in a lab using common household materials. Heres how to make hydrogen safely. Make Hydrogen Gasâ€â€Method 1 One of the easiest ways to obtain hydrogen is to get it from water, H2O. This method employs electrolysis, which breaks water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. Materials Needed water9-volt battery2 paperclipsanother container filled with water Steps Unbend the paperclips and connect one to each terminal of the battery.Place the other ends, not touching, into a container of water. Thats it!Youll get bubbles off both wires. The one with more bubbles is giving off pure hydrogen. The other bubbles are impure oxygen. You can test which gas is hydrogen by lighting a match or lighter over the container. The hydrogen bubbles will burn; the oxygen bubbles will not burn.Collect the hydrogen gas by inverting a water-filled tube or jar over the wire producing the hydrogen gas. The reason you want water in the container is so you can collect hydrogen without obtaining air. Air contains 20% oxygen, which you want to keep out of the container in order to keep it from becoming dangerously flammable. For the same reason, dont collect the gas coming off both wires into the same container, since the mixture could burn explosively upon ignition. If you wish, you can collect the oxygen in the same way as the hydrogen, but be aware this gas is not ve ry pure.Cap or seal the container before inverting it, to avoid exposure to air. Disconnect the battery. Make Hydrogen Gasâ€â€Method 2 There are two simple improvements you can make to improve the efficiency of hydrogen gas production. You can use graphite (carbon) in the form of pencil lead as electrodes and you can add a pinch of salt to the water to act as an electrolyte. The graphite makes good electrodes because it is electrically neutral and wont dissolve during the electrolysis reaction. The salt is helpful because it dissociates into ions which increase the current flow. Materials Needed 2 pencilssaltcardboardwaterbattery (could go as low as 1.5 V with the electrolyte)2 paperclips or (better yet) 2 pieces of electrical wireanother container filled with water Steps Prepare the pencils by removing the erase and metal caps and sharpening both ends of the pencil.Youre going to use the cardboard to support the pencils in the water. Lay the cardboard over your container of water. Insert the pencils through the cardboard so that the lead is submerged in the liquid, but not touching the bottom or side of the container.Set the cardboard with pencils aside for a moment and add a pinch of salt to the water. You could use table salt, Epsom salt, etc.Replace the cardboard/pencil. Attach a wire to each pencil and connect it to the terminals of the battery.Collect the gas as before, in a container that has been filled with water. Make Hydrogen Gasâ€â€Method 3 You can get hydrogen gas by reacting hydrochloric acid with zinc: Zinc Hydrochloric Acid → Zinc Chloride HydrogenZn (s) 2HCl (l) → ZnCl2 (l) H2 (g) Materials Needed hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)zinc granules (or iron filings or strips of aluminum) Hydrogen gas bubbles will be released as soon as the acid and zinc are mixed. Be very careful to avoid contact with the acid. Also, heat will be given off by this reaction. Homemade Hydrogen Gasâ€â€Method 4 Aluminum Sodium Hydroxide → Hydrogen Sodium Aluminate2Al (s) 6NaOH (aq) → 3H2 (g) 2Na3AlO3 (aq) Materials Needed sodium hydroxide (found in certain drain clog removers)aluminum (included in the drain removal products or you can use foil) This is an extremely easy method of making homemade hydrogen gas. Simply add some water to the drain clog removal product! The reaction is exothermic, so use a glass bottle (not plastic) to collect the resulting gas. Hydrogen Gas Safety The main safety consideration is making certain hydrogen gas isnt allowed to mix with oxygen in the air. Nothing bad will happen if it does, but the resulting air-hydrogen mixture is much more flammable than hydrogen on its own because it now contains oxygen, which will act as an oxidizer.Store hydrogen gas away from an open flame or another ignition source.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
What Works for the Officer Case Study Example
Essays on What Works for the Officer Case Study The paper "What Works for the Officer" is a wonderful example of a case study on the law. The contract created by the Police Commissioner when he offers a $100,000 reward is a unilateral contract. Unlike a bilateral contract, a unilateral contract does not encompass a two-party agreement (Linn 81). The commissioner drafts the contract and presents it already containing the applicable terms and conditions. In this respect, whoever provides the information that leads to the solution of the murder case is not involved in the making of the contract. Mary does not need to testify in order to get the reward money. According to the Police Commissioner, what is needed is the information that can lead to the arrest and conviction of the offender. Once the arrest is made and the crime against the perpetrator confirmed, then Mary should get the reward money. The only important factor is ensuring that the police have the person they are looking for.Bob can actually claim a portion of the reward money if not all. This is because no exceptions were made by the commissioner detailing police officers who were not eligible for the reward. However, if Mary can prove foul play by Bob, then the issue can be argued against Bob getting part of or all the reward money. Essentially, he played a critical role in the apprehension of the crime perpetrator.The relevant rule, in this case, is informed by judicial decision(s). In this respect, policy consideration relevant to a case stands by the principles, statutes, or precedents that the judicial syst em observes relative to the matter at hand (Linn 109). personally, I agree with the policy. This is because the law should be allowed to take its course.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Management Information System and Information Technology Sample
Question: Discuss about Management Information Systyem. Answer: Introduction Information technology is to make use of computers for enterprise or business purposes such as study, store, retrieve, manipulate and transmit the data. The article by Nicolas Carr examines the development of Information technology in business and it shows that the IT industry follow the same pattern as the earlier technologies did. According to the author, IT does not matter much in business technologies much. This assignment highlights the terms related to Management Information System (MIS) and Information technology (IT). The questions related to the article have been answered on qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Various information systems have been discussed which support decision making in an organization. The ethical issues, which rise in an organization, have also been discussed. The assignment gives a brief of the overall activities in an organization. Individual research assignment Management information system and its importance to organization. According to Nicolas Carr, use of has vanished from organizations. IT does not matters much in an organization in recent areas. But, Information system has emerged in the last decade and it is affecting every aspect of human life. The management information system has brought up untapped opportunities for business such as the secured payment process, web-based processes for business and managing the business from anywhere without being present in the office[1]. All the management functions are functioned through decision making in an organization. MIS in an organization helps the management to take reliable and timely actions and form a well-structured and reliable information system in the organization by the means of processing, collecting and disseminating the decision makers of the organization. Basic concepts of IT, computer system, software and hardware. According to Nicolas Carr, the system is called for in the business which is cost-conscious. But, There are many hardware as well as software components which form the IT system. In any organization, these components must be set up to implement proper Information system. The hardware components indulge the mouse, keyboard, monitor, central processing unit and the software components indulge the windows and other applications for smooth running of the system. Internet connection is a must factor to set up information system and make it work properly in an organization[2]. The organization can get huge benefits only if the system is set up properly. According to Nicolas Carr, the strategic implantation in the organization is clear. It is of two types which are the proprietary and the mid 1980s. There are different types of MIS which can be implemented in an organization. The first type is transaction processing system, which is designed to handle bulk of routine and recurring transactions. It is often used in banks to record the deposit and payments in the accounts. it is efficiency oriented and is not limited to internal or external boundaries[3]. The second type is management information system which is used by middle managers. It is based on the internal information flow in an organization and it deals with the past and present and past happenings rather than the future. The third type is decision support system which is an interactive computer system used by the managers. It supports the ill or semi structured decisions of an organization and is connected with the prediction of future. According to Nicolas Carr, internet is making human dumb. But, Internet can be refereed as the connection of devices on global basis which are linked together by routers and use a set of protocols known as the TCP/IP protocol. World Wide Web (WWW) is the assembly of numerous internet sites which are accessed by a hypertext interface. The links contain the document which can be anywhere in the world. the basic components of WWW are the browser which is a software which allows the access of world wide web, hypertext and hypermedia which electronic links to other texts, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) which is a set of commands which are used to create the WWW, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) which links the documents through addressing scheme, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is a protocol used to exchange media, home page which is the starting location at WWW site and the client/server which provides internet services[4]. According to Nicolas Carr, data storage needs a proper warehouse environment. Database is the most essential component of nay organization. There are many key benefits of database, data warehouse and business intelligence in any organization. They are- these Factors standardizes the data in an organization, it helps the company to make smarter decision and move towards the decisions which are fact-based, it reduces cost and helps the company to drop the products which are no longer useful to the firm. These also help the organization to increase the revenue and work on the high-selling products in the market. As stated by Nicolas Carr, object oriented programmings concept are taken through the coordination theory. Object oriented technology has brought revolution in the computer industry and it has an association with the geographical information technology (GIS). The graphical objects include the things which can be dragged, slide, dropped, pushed, toggled and clicked. On the desktop, file-folders, program shortcuts and recycle bin is included in this. Widgets are used in the development of computer codes under this technology. The object oriented programming languages allows the user to generate the codes by just making a flowchart of the logic of the program. The key factors of this technology are encapsulation which refers to the bundling of elements of data and processing them in specific functions, polymorphism, class structure and inheritance. According to Nicolas Carr, use of IT is no longer fruitful in the IT sector. But in general, The information system which helps the management of any organization to make decisions is the Management Information System (MIS). The combination of raw data into equivalent information in an organization is the major role of Management Information System. It helps the organization to make decision as it has all the facts and figures collected and thus any data can be withdrawn from the system[5]. It saves a lot of time of the management as the time needs not to be wasted in searching the data. According to Nicolas Carr, the initial phase is the preliminary phase followed by other phases. The phases of system development life indulge various steps. The first step is planning which includes defining the system which is to be developed, setting the scope of the project and developing the plans of the project. The second phase is the analysis phase which indulges the gathering of requirements for any business. The third phase is the design phase which includes designing the system model and technical architecture. The fourth phase is the testing phase which includes the writing and performing of test conditions. The final phase is the maintenance phase which includes the building of help desk for supporting the users of the system. The methodologies used are rapid application development, extreme programming and agile methodology. The three tools used are the in sourcing, self-sourcing and the outsourcing. According to Nicolas Carr, the e-commerce business models vary throughout the world. The business models used in e-commerce are the Business-to-Business (B2B), the Business-to-Consumer (B2C), the Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), the Consumer-to-Business (C2B), the Business-to-Government (B2G), the Government-to-Business (G2B) and the Government-to-Citizen (G2C). The trends in e-commerce are providing dynamic shopping experience, signal-driven and real time analytics, rigorous and live support engagement of the customers and customer retention programs. According to Nicolas Carr, ethical issues may rise from privacy to piracy. There are various ethical issues which have come up regarding the privacy, copyright and intellectual properties. They are- the access and control of information in the organization, the piracy of data by any ill-member if the organization, misuse of data by anti parties of the organization and the international considerations of the organization[6]. The data of the organization needs to be kept sensitive and confidential in order to safeguard the strategies of the organization[7]. The ethical issues also indulge the taking and sharing of the data by any member of the organization. According to Nicolas Carr, ethical issues may rise heavily due to the use of information technology. Digital forensics is the investigation done to find out the root of computer crimes. It is the science of analyzing, extracting and the presenting the evidence of digital things that has been stored in any particular digital device. Numerous tools and techniques are used to find the digital traces. The investigation process has several phases which are collection, examination, analyzing and reporting phase[8]. The suspects can hide the evidence in various devices and storage places such as the file slack, volume slack, deleted file spaces and file clusters[9]. The extraction process of data related to computer crime is referred to as cyber mining. According to Nicolas Carr, glorified typewriters and calculators are the tools for IT. Many terms have emerged in the passing decade regarding the Management Information System (MIS). These trends and technologies govern the processes of managing the information system in any organization. The emerging trends include the Big data analytics which refers to the organization, collection and the analysis of the data[10]. The two areas of MIS where big data can be applied are data mining and raw data maintenance. Raw data maintenance in any organization refers to managing of the raw data in any organization thorough database and other systems. Data mining refers to turning of raw data into useful information[11]. The other trend is cloud computing which utilizes than the personal computers and local servers[12]. It refers to store data on internet rather than the hard drive of the computer[13]. The other trend is mobile computing which refers to use of mobile rather than the personal comp uters. The other trend used is Smart machines which have widespread and deep impacts on business[14]. They are capable of making decisions and learn on their own. These machines are capable of increasing the efficiency and affectivity of the organization to much extent. The professionals of MIS should make use of the smart machines to get efficient profit from the business undergoing. Conclusion Hence, from the above discussion it can be concluded that Information system has emerged in the last decade and it is affecting every aspect of human life. The management information system has brought up untapped opportunities for business such as the secured payment process, web-based processes for business and managing the business from anywhere without being present in the office. The information system which helps the management of any organization to make decisions is the Management Information System (MIS). The combination of raw data into equivalent information in an organization is the major role of Management Information System. The methodologies used are rapid application development, extreme programming and agile methodology. The three tools used are the in sourcing, self-sourcing and the outsourcing. References Cole, K.A., Gupta, S., Gurugubelli, D. and Rogers, M.K., 2015, January. A Review of Recent Case Law Related to Digital Forensics: The Current Issues. InProceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law(p. 95). Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. Coronel, C. and Morris, S., 2016.Database systems: design, implementation, management. Cengage Learning. Dennis, A., Wixom, B.H. and Tegarden, D., 2015.Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML. John Wiley Sons. File, T. and Ryan, C., 2014. Computer and Internet use in the United States: 2013.American Community Survey Reports. Gerpott, T.J., Thomas, S. and Weichert, M., 2013. Characteristics and mobile Internet use intensity of consumers with different types of advanced handsets: An exploratory empirical study of iPhone, Android and other web-enabled mobile users in Germany.Telecommunications Policy,37(4), pp.357-371. Hough, M., Bradford, B., Jackson, J. and Quinton, P., 2016. Does Legitimacy Necessarily Tame Power? Some Ethical Issues in Translating Procedural Justice Principles into Justice Policy. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2013. Management Information Systems 13e. Mall, R., 2014.Fundamentals of software engineering. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Mocanu, D., Rossi, L., Zhang, Q., Karsai, M. and Quattrociocchi, W., 2015. Collective attention in the age of (mis) information.Computers in Human Behavior,51, pp.1198-1204. Monn, M.F., Bahler, C.D., Schneider, E.B. and Sundaram, C.P., 2013. Emerging trends in robotic pyeloplasty for the management of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in adults.The Journal of urology,189(4), pp.1352-1357. Carr, N.G., 2003. IT doesn't matter.Educause Review,38, pp.24-38. Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., 2013.Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. Newnes. Rogers, R. and Marres, N., 2016. Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web.Public Understanding of Science. Rybalchenko, A. and Steinebach, M., 2014, December. Towards a Process Model for Hash Functions in Digital Forensics. InDigital Forensics and Cyber Crime: Fifth International Conference, ICDF2C 2013, Moscow, Russia, September 26-27, 2013, Revised Selected Papers(Vol. 132, p. 170). Springer. Wastell, D. and White, S., 2014. Beyond bureaucracy: Emerging trends in social care informatics.Health informatics journal,20(3), pp.213-219 Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2013. Management Information Systems 13e. Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., 2013.Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. Newnes. Mall, R., 2014.Fundamentals of software engineering. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Mocanu, D., Rossi, L., Zhang, Q., Karsai, M. and Quattrociocchi, W., 2015. Collective attention in the age of (mis) information.Computers in Human Behavior,51, pp.1198-1204 Gerpott, T.J., Thomas, S. and Weichert, M., 2013. Characteristics and mobile Internet use intensity of consumers with different types of advanced handsets: An exploratory empirical study of iPhone, Android and other web-enabled mobile users in Germany.Telecommunications Policy,37(4), pp.357-371. Dennis, A., Wixom, B.H. and Tegarden, D., 2015.Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML. John Wiley Sons. Rogers, R. and Marres, N., 2016. Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web.Public Understanding of Science. Hough, M., Bradford, B., Jackson, J. and Quinton, P., 2016. Does Legitimacy Necessarily Tame Power? Some Ethical Issues in Translating Procedural Justice Principles into Justice Policy. File, T. and Ryan, C., 2014. Computer and Internet use in the United States: 2013.American Community Survey Reports. Cole, K.A., Gupta, S., Gurugubelli, D. and Rogers, M.K., 2015, January. A Review of Recent Case Law Related to Digital Forensics: The Current Issues. InProceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law(p. 95). Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. Wastell, D. and White, S., 2014. Beyond bureaucracy: Emerging trends in social care informatics.Health informatics journal,20(3), pp.213-219. Monn, M.F., Bahler, C.D., Schneider, E.B. and Sundaram, C.P., 2013. Emerging trends in robotic pyeloplasty for the management of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in adults.The Journal of urology,189(4), pp.1352-1357. Coronel, C. and Morris, S., 2016.Database systems: design, implementation, management. Cengage Learning. Rybalchenko, A. and Steinebach, M., 2014, December. Towards a Process Model for Hash Functions in Digital Forensics. InDigital Forensics and Cyber Crime: Fifth International Conference, ICDF2C 2013, Moscow, Russia, September 26-27, 2013, Revised Selected Papers(Vol. 132, p. 170). Springer.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Short Love Story Essay Sample free essay sample
The sound of interrupting glass stopped her. Alice took a measure back. Turned around and felt the iciness of the winter air current on her cervix. Standing behind her was a alien to her bosom with the broken vino bottle at his pess. As the Sun was lifting over the barn. nature stood still. You could hear nil but the tyres going down the crushed rock route. This was good-bye. This was the terminal. Alice is the type of miss that will illume up the room merely with her presence. She is smart. sort. pretty. amusing. and difficult working. Her intelligence reflects through her surveies neer seems to acquire any class lower than a B. some may state she is a perfectionist but she would react that she is non a perfectionist merely diligent. Her sort bosom is reflected towards her interaction with other people. the manner she smiles and laugh ever including others. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Love Story Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She’s the type of miss who sends simple reminders of how she cares for you. Her beauty is ever consistent. She is usually good set together but on those lazy forenoons when she will seek to convert you she didn’t acquire ready. her hair will still fall absolutely. and her eyes will still reflect. Alice is the type of miss who is perfect. without seeking. She believed she can take on any challenge she was of all time faced but Alice met her lucifer with the male child in room B-2. The male child in schoolroom B-2 was Kayden Williams. His household is known for three things ; their generousness throughout the community. their award winning smilings. and of class. their outstanding accomplishments in baseball. One thing many people did non cognize about Kayden was his pride meant everything to him. He would take to affect his friends and hold them be on his side than do any determination for himself. The three friends that made his life picks for him were. Derek. Craig. and Colin. the three most popular childs in the school. Kayden would neer cognize the harm they would shortly do. On the first twenty-four hours of senior twelvemonth. Alice and Kayden had homeroom together. Though they have known each other for rather erstwhile. they rekindled their friendship every twenty-four hours for an hr one time the clock struck eight. After a semester of school. lecherousness was streaming through their venas. He would run into her every twenty-four hours after school. go forth notes in her cabinet. and direct her invitations to all of his baseball games. Thingss were traveling fast. but they were okay with it. Kayden knew the following measure was to convey Alice place to the household. The twenty-four hours was unforgettable. Alice sits on her porch with the summer Sun snoging her shoulders and a knot in her tummy as the nervousnesss of the twenty-four hours eventually caught up with her. She patiently waits to hear that Chevrolet truck cruising down her quaint street. Equally shortly as she heard Kayden’s engine her knots immediately turn to butterflies. Kayden hops out. busss Alice on the cheque. opens her door and lifts her in. It was a long drive to Kayden’s house on the other side of town. Alice easing her wondering head flips through the Stationss and starts singing along to one of George Straits’ classics. As the vocal hit the 2nd poetry Alice came back the world of her atrocious vocalizing. she turned ruddy and went making for the wireless boss. As her manus reached the dial. Kayden stopped her. Alternatively he starts singing along with her and continues to drive up province. Finally geting to the Williams’ Manor. Alice looks out the window and sees nil but flawlessness. Pulling into the thrust she sees the Sun puting behind the curates of land taking to a picture-perfect ruddy barn surrounded by trees. Before Alice knew it. Kayden’s whole household was running outside to run into them. Her head admirations and becomes pulp. Ideas about let downing his household went crashing through her. Those feelings shortly melted away when Kayden’s ma welcomed her with unfastened weaponries. They spend the whole dark reminiscing Kayden’s childhood. There were exposures on the tabular array and everyone took bends stating narratives. Alice was acquiring caught up in all the narratives she about did non detect the rose-colored cheeks Kayden developed from narrative to narrative. Time changed a batch of things for Kayden but one thing Alice noticed neer changed was his blue as the sky eyes she fell in love with. Kayden sees Alice inquiring of f in idea. He reaches out his manus and pulls her stopping point. She tried to retrieve why she felt so nervous. This topographic point began to experience like a new place. After the minutes full of memories and laughter. Kayden bargains Alice off to demo her his favourite topographic point. the barn. Kayden made Alice close her eyes and utilize his voice as a way. Being so unfamiliar with her environments she had nil to assist direct her than the crushed rock on her pess and the heat of Kayden’s minty fresh breath. She opened her eyes to happen a candle visible radiation dinner in the center of the dust-covered barn floor. All that was placed on the tabular array was a individual rose and a bottle of Kayden’s family’s finest vino. He pulled out her chair and gazed into her eyes. He opened his bosom and made it clear that though it has merely been a short month he has fallen for her. He hands her the bottle of vino. took a deep breath and said. â€Å"This bottle will be the symbol of my love for you. I will maintain it everlastingly and care for it all that I have. †He leaned over Alice’s perfect brown hair and kissed her cheek. Alice could non be happier ; there in Kayden’s weaponries is where she neer wanted to go forth. Sadly the clip came where Alice needed to head place. As they were stating their good-byes Alice heard her sisters’ auto caput up the crushed rock private road. After a buss on the cheek and a long childlike regard. Alice was out the door. Passing her were the remainder of Kayden’s crew. Soon after running to the auto. Alice realized she left her jacket in the barn. With a fast bend. and signaling her sister to wait merely one minute. Alice was running directly back for the barn. As she was approximately to open the door. she heard the words that would interrupt her bosom. â€Å"She doesn’t mean anything to me. This is merely a sham to do my parents happy. We will neer be more than anything we are now. †These words came pouring out of Kayden’s oral cavity without a intimation of compunction. Alice. with cryings streaming down her face. looses her balance and falls against the door. All three male childs look over to see Alice motionless looking over at Kayden. She slowly walks towards the tabular array to acquire her jacket as the three male childs awkwardly sneak out. Before Alice walks off. Kayden gestures for her to take their vino bottle. Kayden picks it up and hands it to Alice. She ignores him and the bottle falls to his pess. Kayden susurrations. â€Å"Now it’s broken. †â€Å"Just like my bosom. †Alice responds as she turns about and makes her manner to her sisters’ auto. Kayden runs after her. but all that is left is the dust of the stones and two faded headlamps heading down the thrust. Alice shortly learned that love isn’t ever about perfect cat. with the perfect house. and the perfect household. She learned that you couldn’t choose love ; love chooses you. And though it may look like you found your merrily of all time after. It may merely be a milepost and a lesson needed to be learned.
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